Sunday, August 26, 2007

New stadium to boost UCF football

Click on Tribble to read more

UCF's state-of-the-art stadium 'the start of something really big'

ORLANDO - Peering through a tunnel and out onto sparkling new Bright House Networks Stadium, University of Central Florida AthleticsDirector Keith Tribble threw down a gauntlet of sorts.

With a dazzling 45,128-seat stadium that will have the Knights playing on campus for the first time in the history of the program, the time is now, Tribble said, for the football program to make monumental strides.

With the state-of-the-artstadium, the booster amenities and the recruiting tools UCF now possesses, there is no need for any thoughts of an inferiority complex anymore. It is time, Tribble stressed, for the sleeping giant that is UCF to arise.
John Denton: Florida Today

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