Friday, August 24, 2007

Royally cool -- The name, and logo, keep a changin'

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Perhaps the toughest assignment in the football section is to determine the coolest thing about UCF. It's not that the school isn't cool. It just hasn't been around long enough to build strong traditions. And, yes, we know about that key-jingling thing. You wouldn't really want to hang your hat on that, though, would you?

Instead, and this is a stretch, the coolest thing about UCF -- if that's still the name of the school when you're reading this -- is its absolute flightiness when it comes to its name.

If you go back to when the school was founded in the 1960s it had a different name: Florida Technological University. Among the mascots considered was a Citronaut: part citrus, part astronaut. What, one more time? Yes, part citrus fruit, part astronaut.
John Cherwa: Orlando Sentinel

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